For subjects, techniques or dates please contact us!
General information on the painting classes:
Course: Painting course in the Gary Jenkins technique.
Duration of course: 1 day
Theme: Oil painting of flowers with the Jenkins “Wet in Wet Technique” on canvas.
Instructor: J-CAT, (Jenkins Certified Art Teacher)
Language: German and / or English
Time: 09:00 – +/- 16:00 (with a 1 hour lunch break)
Number of participants: maximum 8 students
Location: Farbi Flora training centre, Am Müggelpark 23, 15537 Gosen-Neu Zittau (Germany)
All painting supplies (like brushes, paint, medium, thinner, canvas etc.) will be provided by Farbi Flora.
– The Farbi Flora training centre is very easy to reach with public transportation.
– The created paintings can of course be taken home.
– Within walking distance of the training centre are several diners and bakeries to enjoy your lunch.
– Coffee, tea and mineral water will be available during the course.
To register for a class please email, call or fax us to provide us with the following information:
– Your name, adress and contactdetails
– Which course you want to sign up for